Geo-Distribution Solutions

Geo-Distribution Solutions

Designing Load Balancing and Fail over Geo distributed for your organization.

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Geo-Distribution Solutions

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About the service

Multi data center, Multi-cloud, and Hybrid cloud Load Balancing and Fail over Geo distributed.

Distribute data and users between multiple data centers and clouds to deliver fast, scalable and resilient applications regardless of location. Implement load balancing and fail over policies based on several criteria, including advanced health checks and user geo-location.

Why Do I Need Geo Load Balancing and distributed systems?

Geo Load Balancing and distributed systems gives you ultimate control in your application delivery service. Ensure that users from certain geographic locations are sent to the right data center. Ensure that different content is served (or blocked) to different users, depending on several criteria such as the country that the client is in, the resource they are requesting, the language, etc.

How Does Global Server Load Balancing Work?

Geo Load Balancing and distributed systems are typically used to provide data center failover or to enhance end user performance by directing users to their closest data centers using geolocation. Is a DNS based system that manipulates the DNS response based on the availability and performance profile of the data centers.

  • Resiliency and Disaster Recovery
  • Run two data centers in an Active-Passive architecture so that if one data center fails, traffic will be sent to the other.
  • Load Balancing and Geo-Location Distribute traffic between multiple data centers in an Active-Active architecture based on specific criteria including: fixed weight, round robin, data center health check, geo-location of the client etc.  

What Is Geographic Load Balancing?

Geographic load balancing redistributes application traffic across data centers in different locations for maximum efficiency and security. While local load balancing happens within a single data center, geographic load balancing uses multiple data centers in many locations.

What Is Geographic Server Load Balancing?

Geographic server load balancing, also known as global server load balancing (GSLB), is the distribution of traffic across servers located in multiple geographies. The servers can be on-premises or hosted in a private or public cloud.

Geographic server load balancing is especially useful in time of disaster, allowing companies to recover information and avoid shutting down operations. The geographic server load balancer can detect a server failure and automatically divert requests to the other geographic locations.

What Is DNS Geographic Load Balancing?

DNS geographic load balancing configures a domain in the Domain Name System (DNS) so requests are distributed across multiple servers in various locations.

Online algorithms for geographical load balancing reroute traffic based on data and other parameters like location, availability and performance. When the browser resolves the hostname to an IP address in DNS load balancing, the traffic will be sent to a web server that can handle the information with little latency.


What’s part of the service

Our solutions optimize for a worldwide audience, providing resilience and a single point of support for the CDN, WAF, DNS and load balancing. This provides our customers a better experience, wherever they are located.

Key Features

  • Global and local load balancing
  • Active origin monitoring
  • Fastest managed DNS
  • Support for HTTPS and TCP traffic
  • Detailed traffic analytics
  • Fast failover with zero downtime
  • Dynamic steering
  • Real-Time latency maps
  • DDoS protection included
  • Geo-based steering
  • Configurable origin weights
  • Session affinity
  • Health status notifications via email and REST API
  • Integration with Argo Smart Routing and Spectrum
  • No DNS propagation delays (proxied traffic)
  • DNS IPv4/IPv6 Anycast

ASOL Digital will plan, design, implement and optimize a Geo Distribution architecture for your organization needs.

Geo Distributed

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